ins买粉 通过发送月亮表情符号激活Facebook Messenger的黑暗模式
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那些一直在等待Facebook Messenger进入黑暗模式的人,等待已经结束。您现在可以在Facebook的Messenger应用程序中启用暗模式,尽管这样做的过程很不寻常。
为了启用暗模式,您需要与任何人打开对话,导航到表情符号,然后找到普通的月亮表情符号,如下图所示。完成此操作后,在消息中发送该月亮表情符号,仅发送该表情符号,别无其他。完成此操作后,大量的月亮图标将开始从显示屏顶部掉落,并且您会收到一条消息,提示您可以启用黑暗模式。您可以点击该消息以将其启用,也可以直接导航到设置,然后您将看到的 个选项是“黑暗模式”。
To enable dark mode, you need to open a conversation with anyone, navigate to the emoticon, and then find the normal moon emoticon, as shown in the following figure. After this operation, send the moon emoticon in the message, only send the emoticon, nothing else. When this is done, a large number of moon icons will start to fall from the top of the display, and you will receive a message that you can enable dark mode. You can click on the message to enable it, or you can navigate directly to settings, and the first option you'll see is "dark mode.".
为了访问这种新设计中的Facebook Messenger设置,方法是导航到Messenger中的主页,然后点击左上角的个人资料图标。启用暗模式对所有人来说都是一件轻而易举的事,但是请确保在执行此操作之前先更新Messenger,因为我们不在该应用程序的 新版本上,并且直到我们进行更新之前,此技巧才对我们不起作用。另外,请记住,此功能仍处于测试阶段,启用后Facebook会告诉您。它似乎工作正常,但值得注意的是它仍在开发中。
[买ins粉丝网] https://www.mfma.net这并不是Facebook 包含通过发送表情符号激活的功能,该公司到目前为止已经做了两次。你们中有些人可能还记得您可以通过发送篮球表情符号然后点击它来访问该篮球比赛。当然,这只是一个例子。
As early as Facebook announced that it was about to carry out a large-scale redesign of the app, Facebook promised dark mode in messenger. The redesign arrived at the end of last year, but it didn't include dark mode at the beginning, so the company took some extra time to prepare it.
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