ins买粉 Facebook扭转局面 起诉欧盟有关数据请求的问题
🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - According to a statement by Tim lamb, Facebook's deputy general counsel, Facebook's concerns boil down to the "broad nature" of the request in question. The company said the data required went far beyond the EU's ongoing investigation of the company. It asserts that in some cases, the request itself actually violates data protection.🟨🟧🟩🟦
根据Facebook副总法律顾问蒂姆·兰姆(Tim Lamb)的一份声明,Facebook的担忧归结为所涉请求的“广泛性质”。该公司表示,所要求的数据远远超出了欧盟对该公司的持续调查。它断言,在某些情况下,请求本身实际上违反了数据保护。
According to a statement by Tim lamb, Facebook's deputy general counsel, Facebook's concerns boil down to the "broad nature" of the request in question. The company said the data required went far beyond the EU's ongoing investigation of the company. It asserts that in some cases, the request itself actually violates data protection.
Facebook说,这是因为发送给委员会的 终文件包含高度敏感的个人信息。其中包括有关雇员的信息,从医疗信息到财务文件不等。据报道,有关雇员家庭成员的私人信息也已移交。
这两种违法行为都很重要。特别是对于在网络或移动设备上落后于某些 流行的应用程序和服务的公司而言。但是有关的调查似乎源于两个单独的查询。首先是调查Facebook收集和存储的数据量。第二个更直接地与Facebook的商品买卖市场有关。
Both violations are important. Especially for companies that lag behind some of the most popular applications and services on the Internet or mobile devices. But the investigation seems to have originated from two separate inquiries. The first is to investigate the amount of data Facebook collects and stores. The second is more directly related to Facebook's commodity market.
[买ins粉丝网] https://www.mfma.net目前尚不清楚诉讼何时开始或可能进行多长时间。在此期间,欧盟委员会表示将在法庭上为其案件辩护。
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