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抖音海外版TikTok自面世以来就在国外具有超高人气,俨然成为全新的媒体平台,也吸引了各家相关媒体、平台乃至科技巨头纷纷与TikTok进行合作。 近亚马逊也正式宣布,美国和加拿大地区的Fire TV用户现在可以通过家中电视的Fire TV下载TikTok进行使用,并且很快将登陆Echo Show的相关设备。
Since its launch, the overseas version of Tiktok tiktok has enjoyed a high popularity abroad. It seems to have become a new media platform, and has attracted various relevant media, platforms and even technology giants to cooperate with tiktok. Recently, Amazon also officially announced that fire TV users in the United States and Canada can now download tiktok through the fire TV of their home TV, and will soon log in to echo show related devices.comprar seguidores tik tok baratos
[买ins粉丝网] https://www.mfma.net据悉,在Fire TV上的TikTok应用同手机上功能相近,登陆统一账户即可互通数据内容,并且也拥有“关注”、“个性化”、以及“发现”等板块。同时针对Fire TV在电视上的使用习惯,用户还可以定制自动连播功能,也就是说用户在观看短视频的时候可以无需频繁控制,系统会自动播放下一条视频。当然你也可以通过点击按钮或者召唤Alexa语音助理进行操控。
在此之前,TikTok应用程序已经陆续登陆了Google TV、Android TV、三星智能电视以及其他电视平台,由于目前TikTok同抖音一样大力发展3分钟视频内容,相比以前的15s段视频来说更加符合用户习惯。其他同业竞争之例如YouTube的YouTube Shorts也正在积极入局,与TikTok 展开更直接的竞争。
Prior to this, tiktok applications have successively landed on Google TV, Android TV, Samsung smart TV and other TV platforms. As tiktok vigorously develops 3-minute video content like Tiktok, it is more in line with users' habits than the previous 15s video. Other horizontal competitors, such as YouTube's YouTube shorts, are also actively entering the market to compete more directly with tiktok.comprar seguidores tik tok baratos
院长认为,这不仅意味着TikTok应用场景得到扩展,也意味着TikTok在电商布局上更具潜力。这对 卖家来说无疑是个好消息。