ins买粉 黑人维权视频0播放?TikTok道歉:技术故障
🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - Tiktok said it would set up a special committee to listen to different voices, donate $3 million to non-profit organizations that help black communities, and provide $1 million to fight racial injustice and inequality in the United States. The company also said it would shut down some sound features of the app on Tuesday in support of a protest called "black out Tuesday" launched by the music industry.🟨🟧🟩🟦
网易科技讯 6月2日消息,据国外媒体报道,由于将标签为#BlackLivesMatter和#GeorgeFloyd的视频播放量标记为零,短视频应用抖音 版TikTok遭遇抨击。对此,TikTok当地时间周一急忙说明原因,同时表示道歉。
NetEase technology news June 2nd, according to foreign media reports, because the label of #BlackLivesMatter and #GeorgeFloyd video playback tiktok is zero, short video application international voice TikTok is attacked. In response, tiktok local time on Monday rushed to explain the reason, while apologizing.
TikTok表示,它将成立一个特别委员会来听取不同的声音,并将向为黑人社区提供帮助的非营利组织捐赠300万美元,还提供100万美元用于在美国打击种族不公正和不平等行为。该公司还表示,为了声援音乐行业发起的叫“Black Out Tuesday”抗议活动,它将于周二关闭该应用程序的某些声音功能。
Tiktok said it would set up a special committee to listen to different voices, donate $3 million to non-profit organizations that help black communities, and provide $1 million to fight racial injustice and inequality in the United States. The company also said it would shut down some sound features of the app on Tuesday in support of a protest called "black out Tuesday" launched by the music industry.
上个月才接任TikTok首席执行官的凯文·梅尔(Kevin Mayer)表示,“未来几周、几个月和几年,请我们的社区对我们的行动进行监督。”
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