ins买粉 Facebook小游戏平台迎来“重磅产品”:新增两款宝可梦游戏
🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 根据外媒报道,Facebook小游戏平台Instant Games日前发布了两款宝可梦游戏——《Pokémon Tower Battle 》和《Pokémon Medallion Battle》。- 买ins粉丝网- Instagram粉丝增长专家🟨🟧🟩🟦
根据外媒报道,Facebook小游戏平台Instant Games日前发布了两款宝可梦游戏——《Pokémon Tower Battle 》和《Pokémon Medallion Battle》。
这标志着The Pokémon Company 为Facebook Gaming打造游戏,且均是小游戏,其中《Pokémon Tower Battle 》是全球发布,而《Pokémon Medallion Battle》目前仅在亚太地区上线。
This marks the first time that the Pok é mon company has created games for Facebook gaming, all of which are small games. Among them, "Pok é mon tower battle" is a global release, while "Pok é mon Medallion battle" is currently only available in the Asia Pacific region.
《Pokemon Medallion Battle》,由加州GCTurbo工作室开发,是一款卡牌战斗策略游戏。用户可收集、进化宝可梦。根据每个月推出的新的宝可梦,用户可创建更好的卡组。
[买ins粉丝网] https://www.mfma.net对于这两款游戏在Facebook Instant Games的推出,The Pokémon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara在声明中表示,“在Facebook平台推出这些游戏能让全球用户以数字的形式体验到宝可梦。这次跟Faceook Gaming合作,我们感到非常激动,这将让更多的新用户在线体验到宝可梦游戏。”
Regarding the launch of the two games on Facebook instant games, tsunekazu Ishihara, CEO of the Pok é mon company, said in a statement, "the launch of these games on the Facebook platform will enable users around the world to experience baokemeng in the form of numbers. We are very excited to cooperate with faceook gaming this time, which will let more new users experience baokemeng online. "
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