ins买粉 如何开启Twitter分享优化?
🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 【使用方法简介】在后台开启“Twitter分享优化”设置项,选择Twitter分享卡片展示形式,有小图展示、大图展示两种风格供用户选择;上传社交分享时如果页面没有满足条件的图片的替代图片(尺寸应不小于300*300,大小不超过100KB);设置贵公司在Twitter上的账号; 后保存即可实现Twitter分享优化设置,托企系统会自动在您的网站的每个页面添加合适的Twitter分享代码,让您分享到Twitter的产品页面、文章页面、其他页面都能以卡片的形式展示,图文并茂,吸引更多的潜在客户访问。🟨🟧🟩🟦
【使用方法简介】在后台开启“Twitter分享优化”设置项,选择Twitter分享卡片展示形式,有小图展示、大图展示两种风格供用户选择;上传社交分享时如果页面没有满足条件的图片的替代图片(尺寸应不小于300*300,大小不超过100KB);设置贵公司在Twitter上的账号; 后保存即可实现Twitter分享优化设置,托企系统会自动在您的网站的每个页面添加合适的Twitter分享代码,让您分享到Twitter的产品页面、文章页面、其他页面都能以卡片的形式展示,图文并茂,吸引更多的潜在客户访问。
[introduction to how to use] open the "Twitter sharing optimization" setting item in the background, and select the display form of twitter sharing card. There are two styles of small picture display and large picture display for users to choose; When uploading social sharing, if the page does not have a substitute image that meets the conditions (the size should not be less than 300 * 300, and the size should not exceed 100kb); Set up your company's Twitter account; Finally, save to optimize the settings of twitter sharing. The enterprise trust system will automatically add appropriate twitter sharing code to each page of your website, so that you can share the product page, article page and other pages of twitter in the form of cards, with pictures and text, attracting more potential customers.
Step 4: log in to the twitter account to send a tweet. If you directly paste a page URL on the enterprise website, the tweet will be directly converted into a card form, as shown in the figure below. The content includes: page title, page description, page URL and picture (the main picture of the product and the thumbnail of the article).
[买ins粉丝网] https://www.mfma.net前台:
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