此前 ,路透社报道称,美国副总统彭斯也表示,他和特朗普都在关注印度封禁TikTok等应用的消息,特朗普曾明确表示政府将捍卫美国利益。“无论是华为,还是TikTok,这些实体都对隐私和 安全构成威胁,我们将继续采取坚定立场。”彭斯说。
The day before, Reuters reported that vice president burns of the United States also said that he and trump were concerned about India's ban on tiktok and other applications. Trump had made it clear that the government would defend the interests of the United States“ Whether Huawei or tiktok, these entities pose a threat to privacy and national security, and we will continue to take a firm stand. " Burns said.
据悉,去年11月,美国政府曾启动对Musical.ly的 安全审查。Musical.ly是美国一家创业公司,被字节跳动收购后,与TikTok合并。
据Sensor Tower数据,2020年6月TikTok全球营收超过9070万美元,同比增7.3倍。 市场贡献了约89%的营收(来自抖音);美国贡献6%的营收,位列第二。
此外,Sensor Tower统计数据显示,TikTok在美国下载量超过1.65亿次。