As social and video e-commerce continues to rise rapidly in a closed world, instagram has added a "store" tab to its home screen, making it easier for users to buy what they find in videos and images posted on the site. Social networks have also enhanced the reels feature to help find.
Instagram的 推出卷轴几个月前,它已经看到了惊人的卷轴创作者,它推出了“卷轴”选项卡,成为一个阶段,人们可以在此与世界分享他们的创造力,并有机会冲到热搜获取更多粉丝。
该社交网站在一份声明中说:“在Instagram,我们一直关注年轻人和创作者,因为他们是引领潮流的人。变革正在迅速发生,包括这两个组织如何使用Instagram和与世界互动。今年,我们在Instagram上看到了简短有趣的视频爆炸式增长。我们还发现,网上购物的数量令人难以置信,越来越多的人在网上购物,年轻人也向他们 喜欢的创作者寻求购买建议。”
Adobe欧洲,中东和非洲地区商业销售主管表示:“通过在主屏幕上显示“卷轴”和“商店”标签,并使其居中显示,#Instagram#明确表示其未来将在视频和电商中发力。 初是用于与朋友共享图像的社交平台,如今已成为品牌 有价值的店面之一,可以通过忠实的粉丝和关注者的内容创建者以及通过自己的品牌页面来推广其产品。人们在网络和社交平台上花费了更多的时间,这一举动使用户的旅程从在社交帖子中看到他们喜欢的东西并更加无缝地购买开始。”
"By displaying the" scroll "and" store "labels on the home screen and centering them, instagram has made it clear that it will play an important role in video and e-commerce in the future," said Adobe's head of business sales in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Originally used as a social platform to share images with friends, it has become one of the most valuable storefronts of the brand. It can promote its products through loyal fans and followers as well as through its own brand page. People spend more time on the Internet and social platforms, which makes the journey of users begin with seeing what they like in social posts and buying more seamlessly. "